The Emotion Code System is designed to identify trapped emotions and traumatic experiences and release the emotional charge from those memories, even those deeply buried in the subconscious mind. A lot of times the past truly comes back to haunt us and we do not always realize all the ways it can be impacting our emotional well being and quality of life. Releasing these emotions can have a profound permanent shift in the way we feel and relate to the world around us.
I highly recommend you to watch this movie (E-Motion) to gain an understanding of how trapped emotions might be affecting you physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially.
When we don't successfully process and release a negative emotion it becomes trapped in the physical body. Over time this can lead to physical pain and other negative symptoms. By identifying and releasing these trapped emotions we can help correct these imbalances and relieve emotional and physical pain and discomfort.
If you have experienced heartbreak of disappointment in the past, then chances are you have a Heart-Wall. This is an energetic wall around your heart, made up of trapped negative emotions. This is our subconscious's way of numbing the pain of the past and protecting us from getting hurt in the future.
The Emotion Code is a highly advanced form energy therapy that allows us to find and release negative emotional energy from our past. In our bodies, we may hold unprocessed emotional energy. These “trapped emotions” drain our energy and cause stress. They can also create a tendency in us to have repeated similar emotional experiences. For example, we may tend to feel sad, angry, anxious or overwhelmed, while in our body we may tend to feel increased tension, pain, fatigue or illness.
Trapped Emotions can also block us from fully experiencing life, love, happiness, success, abundance or connection with others. Emotion Code sessions restore balance by removing these blocks to health & well being. This frees us to live the life we were meant to live and reawaken our true nature.
You may get relief from distress and suffering, and alleviate their potential causes
You could remove barriers to love and increase your ability to connect
You can experience more abundance and open the door to prosperity
It’s possible to heal your own energy, as well that of past and future generations
You may even help pets and other animals feel and function better
Knowledge of the human energy field goes back thousands of years and through many cultures. The Emotion Code provides a framework for these ancient teachings by providing an understanding of how trapped emotional energies can cause blockages or imbalances in your personal energy field. With the Emotion Code, we believe it’s possible to permanently remove these negative energies.
Emotions are literally energy in motion, so when that emotional energy doesn’t process through us, it can get stuck and cause physical, mental and emotional pain. When this happens, it creates disharmony or a distortion in the body’s energy field.
Times of confusion, upset, overwhelm, crisis, injury, trauma or emotional intensity are all examples of times when Trapped Emotions can occur. Because trapped emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, they may cause imbalance in physical tissues, and this can eventually lead to pain or illness. Painful emotional experiences frequently result in the formation of faulty, or false negative subconscious beliefs. These beliefs, while formed to protect us from getting hurt again, actually can sabotage our efforts to progress and move forward in our lives in the ways that we desire.
Looking at the Vibration of Emotions Chart, we can see that shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, desire and anger are all lower vibration emotions. They wear us down and rob us of vital energy. They divert our body’s energetic resources and create disruption in our lives.
If we feel anger towards someone, that unprocessed anger can literally get stuck in our neck. We sometimes refer to people as a “pain in the neck”. We may not just feel anger, we may feel “not good enough”, humiliated, and resentful as well. Once all this energy settles into an area of the body, and it can be any area, it will disrupt inner balance and harmony. It will feel like stress, tension, pain, emotional volatility, triggers, disconnection, anxiety, depression, or any number of ways discomfort presents itself. By releasing this anger and the associated imbalances, the discomfort disappears and the body restores balance and inner harmony.
Our pain is a messenger that alerts us that something in our lives is out of balance. It is valuable communication, so rather than silence it and allow the imbalance to continue impacting our health and well being, we need to acknowledge the pain and understand why it is speaking to us.
We all have trapped emotions and many of them occur beyond our conscious awareness. Having trapped emotions does not mean we are somehow volatile or deficient in our ability to properly manage our lives. On a conscious level, we may power through difficult life experiences. On a subconscious level, those difficult life experiences, including our thoughts, feelings and beliefs, have been recorded. This subconscious “programming” informs our reactions and responses to future life experiences.
By releasing trapped emotions, we can help restore balance to the body, allowing physical and emotional difficulties to resolve. The natural healing intelligence of the body is able to work efficiently without these energetic blocks, disturbances + disruptions.
The Emotion Code is a highly advanced form energy therapy that allows us to find and release negative emotional energy from our past. In our bodies, we may hold unprocessed emotional energy. These trapped emotions drain our energy and cause stress. They can also create a tendency in us to have repeated similar emotional experiences. For example, we may tend to feel sad, angry, anxious or overwhelmed, while in our body we may tend to feel increased tension, pain, fatigue or illness.
Trapped emotions can also block us from fully experiencing life, love, happiness, success, abundance or connection with others. Emotion Code sessions restore balance by removing these blocks to health & well being. This frees us to live the life we were meant to live and reawaken our true nature.
The energies of trapped emotions can accumulate over a lifetime, and we may notice that it is easier to fall into resonance with emotions that are already trapped in the body. These “triggers” impact our lives and our relationships. If we are quick to anger, defensive, easily overwhelmed or anxious, we may have triggers. When we are struggling under the weight of something we can’t quite define, or feel blocked, a lack clarity or purpose, it could be the unprocessed emotional energy from the past. This is often referred to as emotional baggage, and it is a common part of the human experience. Releasing the trapped energy of past emotions can help to restore physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Trapped emotions are what we believe to be emotional baggage and that is carried with us wherever we go. It’s the stuff born from difficult and negative experiences, yet it has the power to keep us stuck in all areas of our life for years to come.
Releasing emotional baggage is not as difficult as you might think. Using the Emotion Code, an energetic clearing process created by Dr. Bradley Nelson, we can quickly identify, easily mobilize, and gently release the negative energy. No long drawn out conversations that entice you to relive the past. Just an easy process that many of my clients say creates a sense of peace and lightness.
We can find and correct the root cause of trapped emotions and imbalances in minutes with the simplest, easiest energy healing methods.
Do you feel your present is being held hostage by your past? It may not be your imagination. The premise of the Emotion Code is that the energy of past emotions can literally become trapped in your body, affecting your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
We believe these trapped emotions could be keeping you in patterns of discomfort, sorrow, failure, and heartbreak
Trapped emotions are negative emotional energies that we still carry around from past events, traumas or abuse. Trapped emotions can cause a variety of “symptoms,” include health related as well as in relationships, career, or success. They can block people from finding true love and happiness and make them feel disconnected or lonely.
Trapped emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, and they can affect physical tissues, organs and overall wellness. Trapped emotions can create pain, malfunction and possibly disease. In addition, trapped emotions can exert a dramatic effect on how you think, the choices that you make, and how you react to every day challenges.
Think of trapped emotions as balls of energy that can be stuck in the body. They vibrate at different frequencies depending on the particular emotion. The trapped emotion, or negative vibration, can often affect the part of the body where they are stuck, but can also disturb overall balance and health.
Trapped emotions are identified individually and released one at a time, not in groups or bundles.
Every trapped emotional energy is significant in your life. Each one has had an impact on you in some way or another. Each comes from a specific time or event that was experienced either by you or someone else that you inherited or absorbed the energy from. These energies affect us in a variety of ways and create challenges, problems and pains of all sorts, both physical and emotional.
Whatever their origin, they certainly can make an impact on your life. There are times when trapped emotions can be excruciating! When significant pain like that is present, you might find trapped emotions nested in the area of pain.
Releasing trapped emotions balance the body so it can regain its full healing capabilities. Utilizing the Emotion Code, you may see physical and emotional issues disappear or become much less severe.
I highly recommend you to watch this movie (E-Motion) to gain an understanding of how
trapped emotions might be affecting you physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially.
The ways in which we can acquire trapped emotions are many and varied. Basically anything that produces an intense uneasy feelings within us can generate emotions that can become trapped within. Below is a list of circumstances that can produce trapped emotions.
Children and animals can have trapped emotions too though they tend to have less trapped emotions to clear.
When a child has experienced trauma, abuse, neglect, or abandonment, trapped emotions can manifest in extreme forms including temper tantrums and anger issues, suicidal thoughts, and self-abuse.
Clearing a child’s trapped emotions helps them in their crucial developmental years and leaves the baggage behind so they’re not bringing it with them into adulthood.
An Emotion Code session can clear the imbalances holding you back in many areas of life including but not limited to:
Your body knows exactly how many trapped emotions it can release and in what order it wants to release them. Your practitioner will help to find these answers from your body during your session.
Most of the time you will find that you can identify and release about five to ten trapped emotions in a thirty minute session. This is typical, but sometimes you may find that your body will only allow you to release two or three emotions in a session, and that’s okay. Trust the wisdom of the body!
When you have released all your body can release in a session, usually you will lose the ability to be tested momentarily because your body is processing and is on a state of overload. When that happens, you are done for the time being, until the next session generally. This usually takes 1-2 days, but can take up to 4 or 5 days for some people. Again, your practitioner will help to find these answers from your body during your session.
Each person is different in their process, from how many emotions they can release in one session, to how they feel afterward. How many trapped emotions are involved in one issue you are having varies as well.
The whole process is completely customized to you!
If you have experienced heartbreak of disappointment in the past, then chances are you have a Heart-Wall. It is estimated that 93% of people have a Heart-Wall. This is an energetic wall around your heart, made up of trapped negative emotions. This is our subconscious's way of numbing the pain of the past and protecting us from getting hurt in the future.
The heart is the most powerful electromagnetic organ in your body, generating 60 to 1000 times more power and electromagnetic energy than your brain, easily making it the most powerful organ you have.
We often feel pressure or discomfort in the chest and throat when someone is hurting us or we have a deep sense of grief or loss. This physical sensation is referred to as “heartache.” Your heart is the core of your being. Your subconscious mind knows that it is vital to protect your heart, your delicate core in any way possible.
If you experience severe emotional trauma, your subconscious mind may form an “energy wall” to protect your heart from grievous injury. We refer to this protective shield of energy as the “Heart-Wall.” It is made of a collection of trapped emotions which are wrapped, layer-by-layer, around the heart. In the moment, this Heart-Wall is a form of protection in a fight-or-flight situation. However, later, this Heart-Wall can block you from living life to the fullest. The good news is that with the emotional release therapy, this protective shield of energy can be removed layer-by-layer as well!
One of the best parts of Emotion Code therapy is removing the Heart-Wall. It is estimated that 93% of the human population has this condition. It’s a good thing to have this protective mechanism when we need it, in a fight-or-flight situation. The problem is that having a Heart-Wall is like living in a bomb shelter; it’s nice to have its protection while there’s danger, but if you have it forever it can be block your heart from whole health and happiness.
The good news is that clearing it is easy and can be life-changing! When we know this barrier is no longer necessary to protect your heart then we can release your Heart-Wall using the Emotion Code therapy. We’ll find each Heart-Wall emotion separately, learning what we need to know to remove the layers one at a time.
Removing a Heart-Wall can have immediate effects ranging from subtle to profound. Don’t wait any longer to get rid of your Heart-Wall and open your heart to a greater sense of peace, improved relationships at home and at work, and feeling true love and happiness again. A fun, beautiful life is just around the corner. Let me help you create it!
Removing a Heart-Wall is one of the most important things we can do to improve all areas of someone’s life. We don’t take this lightly. We understand the Heart-Wall removal aids in your emotional and physical wellness for the rest of your life. Sometimes immediately, but often over a period of time, clients have reported various improvements including:
I use the Emotion Code technique to find trapped emotional energies in the body. Working to detect and release the Heart-Wall uses the same technique. However, releasing the Heart-Wall takes more than one session, and I group the entire process into a special type of focused series where we will look for energies specifically in the area around the heart and clear as many as the body will allow at a time.
The Heart-Wall takes approximately 2-5 sessions to clear completely and I will walk you through the clearing of these energies, using a magnet and muscle testing, as I work to find emotions that the Heart-Wall is made of.
Clients often report literally feeling the emotion leave their body... they get chills, yawn as a form of release, or sometimes even feel momentarily nauseous or dizzy.
The way we usually find a Heart-Wall is by detecting it at your Emotion Code or Body code sessions, though occasionally within our intake session or follow up. We can get answers from the subconscious mind through muscle testing to find out if you have a Heart-Wall during one of these appointments, learning exactly how much emotional energy is stored around your heart, and how many sessions it would take for you to release it.
Imagine how your life could change if all that negative emotional energy around your heart that isn’t serving you was released?
The Body Code System is the most advanced system in regards to Energy Healing, it targets six major areas in the human body system to identify and remove any imbalances, so the body can heal itself. This method is effective in healing the physical body, improving your mindset and getting 100% clear on your direction in life. We get your subconscious mind in sync with your conscious mind by identifying negative beliefs and emotional patterns that are holding you back from advancing in life and achieving your goals and dreams.
The Body Code is a state of the art energy healing technique that helps identify and remove imbalances. Practically all health issues fall under the 6 categories of imbalance that are covered in The Body Code System:
We uses simple yet powerful energy work to remove damaging emotional and mental energies that became trapped in the body during stressful emotional events of traumas.
Here we balance the energy systems of the body including the chakras, the acupuncture meridians, the connection of the spiritual and physical body and the energy circuits of the organs and glands.
The Body Code can identify and address toxic agents that don’t show up on medical tests as well as those that do.
Destructive and often elusive infections can be easily identified along with any necessary remedies to rid the body of them.
Imbalance in the bones, organs, connective tissue, muscles and nerves can be treated non-invasively to gently restore stability to the physical body.
This can be straightforward nutrient deficiency as well as imbalances like dehydration, magnetic field deficiency or a need for a certain healing food or herb.
Most health problems that we face can be traced to an imbalance in one of the above 6 areas and that is why the Body Code system is so powerful. It uses the power of the subconscious mind in conjunction with kinesiology (muscle testing) and the Body Code mind maps, to quickly pinpoint and correct these damaging energy imbalances.
The Body Code System was developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, a holistic chiropractic physician, medical intuitive and one of the world’s foremost experts in the emerging fields of bioenergetic medicine and energy psychology. The Body Code deals with balancing the body in all aspects of health... including emotional, energetic, nutritional, structural, toxicity + more.
The Body Code is a very sophisticated and complete method of body balancing and is designed to detect the underlying causes of imbalance that usually go undetected.
The technique is not meant to replace any medical treatment, but by correcting any underlying imbalances, we help the body’s innate self-healing ability to take over. As a result, discomfort and imbalance in the body often disappear, the body is often better able to function as it should, energy levels often increase, and emotional issues often become manageable or balanced. The body is made up of energy. This energy can be negatively influenced in a number of ways, and symptoms of these energy imbalances can manifest as a host of health issues.
The Body Code is so effective because it allows us to find specific problems and simply remove them. The Body Code is a tool to be used to tap into our subconscious mind to determine what imbalances need to be corrected. Like a computer, the subconscious mind will record every belief, thought, word or action that has been recorded throughout our lifetime by our input devices. What we see, hear, taste, speak and feel from the moment of conception until now is recorded on this “hard-drive” within our mind. Our sub-conscious mind programs itself based on the environment in which we receive the input.
This is why it is so important to understand that our culture, religion, family history, social environment and community are so important in understanding who and what we have become. Once the old programs are released, we can input and reprogram our true “heart desires”.
Did you know that every stressful moment you have had, every negative emotion you have felt, every painful injury you have experienced is stored in some part of your body all the way down to the cellular level. These trapped emotions are in your muscles, your organs, your connective tissue, your joints, etc. Our body is a living history that keeps a record of every physical and emotional trauma or injury ever experienced.
Are you stuck in time caused by a traumatic event(s) in your life? The Body Code session can help to release the stored and recorded trauma patterns experienced by an accident, work, injury, relationships etc, you may have experienced.
One of the most important ideas behind holistic health + energy healing is that the human body has an incredible ability to bounce back. And that, with the right balance, your body can recover from all kinds of discomfort + disease.
However, imbalance may allow physical or emotional obstacles to build up over time.
Sadly, it seems that much of the population is in an unbalanced state in one way or another. Few of us would honestly claim to feel 100% well (physically, emotionally, mentally + spiritually) 100% of the time.
But while imbalance is extremely common, it may also be extremely easy to resolve.
The Body Code can help you identify and correct imbalances, misalignments + other distortions in your body.
Addressing all underlying associated imbalances, misalignments, trapped emotions, etc...
The Body Code session can clear the imbalances holding you back in many areas of life including but not limited to:
Emotion Code is only a very small part of the Body Code System. As the name suggests Emotion Code deals with emotional imbalances, which makes up about 80% of the imbalances we suffer from. To cover the rest or go deeper we move into Body Code which covers the complete spectrum of healing, uncovering the underlying causes for all of the imbalances we may be suffering from, and restore balance to the body.
The body and mind can become imbalanced in these 6 different key areas, resulting in all manner of problems for you. When you have balance in the 6 areas of the body, the result is that you have good health, abundant wealth and happy relationships. The Body Code helps you address and correct imbalances in all 6 areas. It has been designed to prepare and empower you.
Any issue you can possibly have has underlying imbalances. Removing these imbalances makes it possible for the body to return to a state of perfect harmony and health. The result is a disappearance of pain, fatigue, disease, depression and all manner of other symptoms!
The Body Code deals with balancing the body in all aspects of health – including emotional, energetic, nutritional, structural, infections and toxicity. The Body Code is the most sophisticated and complete method of body balancing that has ever been devised – anything that is wrong in the body is able to be identified and corrected. The technique is not meant to replace any medical treatment, but by correcting any underlying imbalances, we help the body’s innate self-healing ability to take over.
As a result, pain and malfunction in the body often disappear, all the organs function as they should, nutrients are absorbed properly, energy levels are raised, and emotional issues become manageable or nonexistent.
Your body knows exactly how many underlying imbalances it can release and in what order it wants to release them. I will help to find these answers from your body during your session.
Most of the time you will find that you can identify and release about five to ten underlying imbalances in a thirty minute session. This is typical, but sometimes you may find that your body will only allow you to release two or three underlying imbalances in a session, and that’s okay. Trust the wisdom of the body!
When you have released all your body can release in a session, usually you will lose the ability to be tested momentarily because your body is processing and is on a state of overload. When that happens, you are done for the time being, until the next session generally. This usually takes 1 to 2 days, but can take up to 4 or 5 days for some people. Again, I will help to find these answers from your body during your session.
Each person is different in their process, from how many underlying imbalances they can release in one session, to how they feel afterward. How many underlying imbalances are involved in one issue you are having varies as well. The whole process is completely customized to you!
Building on foundations of the Emotion Code and the Body Code, the Belief Code takes energy healing even further by removing negative belief systems in the subconscious mind with this groundbreaking new form of energy healing.
Belief systems may be made of negative programs, limiting beliefs, faulty core beliefs, broadcast messages, images, trapped emotions, and more. By using muscle testing, you can ask the subconscious mind yes or no questions to determine what may be holding you back from aligning with your highest self or achieving your goals.
A belief is a subjective view held by the subconscious mind that something is true or false, right or wrong, and is the filter through which life is viewed and experienced. Beliefs represent a global and absolute truth created by self-conclusion and/or through suggestion.
Our Core Belief System can dramatically impact how we perceive every aspect of our lives! The four main layers of a Faulty Belief System are addressed by the Belief Code, allowing me to systematically release unwanted negative beliefs.
The soil from which the tree sprouts and grows...
A Faulty Core Identity is the origin story of the belief. These beliefs often begin when we are children and absorb the ideas around us without question. These become associated with our identity so closely, they may be unrecognizable to us.
The spreading roots of the tree...
When a negative belief is reinforced, and supported by other emotions, that belief begins to grow and even become additional beliefs. It spreads and compounds upon itself, becoming a tangled web of roots that becomes our belief system.
The trunk at the center of the tree...
When you ask why the belief system exists, you will find the limiting belief at the center. This belief is likely something you believe about yourself or the world. You might have no idea that thought was lingering in your subconscious mind.
The outer branches and leaves produced by the tree...
Negative Programs are the result of the full system, producing negative automatic thoughts. They are the easiest part of the Faulty Belief System to perceive and can be recognized as negative self-talk and negative chatter in the mind.
It uses mind-mapping technology to allow the subconscious to lead practitioners to the belief that needs to be addressed. The Belief Code is comprised of seven main categories listed below, with subcategories beneath each, and cascading lists of both negative and positive beliefs. This results in an incredibly efficient process of finding and releasing unwanted beliefs.
Release negative belief systems, and create space for new empowering thoughts!
Alix offers product recommendations, business opportunities, healing + coaching services. For all the things, visit Alix's SERVICES page.
You can book a free 15 minute clarity chat to help decide where to begin your journey from various spots on the site, or you will be guided to book your appointments upon your purchase of a healing or coaching service.
During our first call, we will discuss your concerns + goals while touching on what is possible.
I will then recommend a personalized plan to help you realign your body and mind to live into your highest goals.
If inquiry is around business, we will discuss similarly!
I will do a remote emotion code session for clearing your Trapped emotions. In an Emotion Code Session, we work to release negative emotional baggage that is creating imbalance in your life and contributing to the issue you would like to address. Typically, we focus on 1 to 3 major concern or issue per session and we work to release the trapped emotional energies that may be contributing to or causing this particular issue in your life.
Sessions typically last anywhere from 30-40 minutes, depending on how many trapped emotions your body is able to released. Usually the body is able to successfully release 10 trapped emotions per session.
All Emotion Code sessions are done by proxy. This type of energy therapy uses the most advanced techniques I believe are available anywhere in the world to effectively and efficiently identify and release energetic blocks. In fact, proxy work is just as effective as meeting with you in person, only more convenient and less time consuming for clients. You do not have to drive in traffic, sit in a waiting room and lose time out of your day to achieve results. All of my clients have the comfort and convenience of being able to relax at home while I complete their sessions.
In quantum physics, this is known as non-local healing. This approach is so cool because there are no limitations on who is able to receive and benefit from this work. You do not have to live in the same city, state, country or even hemisphere for me to effectively work on your energy. I have clients across the country and around the world.
Once you agree to the terms of working together, you will be guided to purchase your session or package. You will then be guided to schedule your first session. You will also receive reminders of the session automatically. To save time, it is encouraged that you email me the nature and severity of your issues and or goals and a photograph of yourself. You do not have to reveal any information you would prefer to keep private, and any specific information you share will be confidential and only used to benefit you during your session.
I will do a remote body code session for clearing your imbalances. In Body Code Session, we work to release underlying imbalances that are contributing to the issue you would like to address. Typically, we focus on 1 to 2 major concern or issue per session and we work to release the underlying imbalances that may be contributing to or causing this particular issue in your life. Sessions typically last anywhere from 30-40 minutes, depending on how many imbalances your body is able to released. Usually the body is able to successfully release 5 to 10 underlying imbalances per session.
All Body Code sessions are done by proxy. This type of energy therapy uses the most advanced techniques I believe are available anywhere in the world to effectively and efficiently identify and release energetic blocks. In fact, proxy work is just as effective as meeting with you in person, only more convenient and less time consuming for clients. You do not have to drive in traffic, sit in a waiting room and lose time out of your day to achieve results. All of my clients have the comfort and convenience of being able to relax at home while I complete their sessions.
In quantum physics, this is known as non-local healing. This approach is so cool because there are no limitations on who is able to receive and benefit from this work. You do not have to live in the same city, state, country or even hemisphere for me to effectively work on your energy. I have clients across the country and soon around the world.
Once you agree to the terms of working together, you will be guided to purchase your session or package. You will then be guided to schedule your first session. You will also receive reminders of the session automatically. To save time, it is encouraged that you email me the nature and severity of your issues and or goals and a photograph of yourself. You do not have to reveal any information you would prefer to keep private, and any specific information you share will be confidential and only used to benefit you during your session.
You would live in present time. You would no longer be carrying your history with you into current relationships and experiences. You would be authentically you, as you are intended to be. Freedom and happiness are two words our clients usually say when we ask how they feel post Heart-Wall clearing.
Your body knows exactly how many trapped emotions it can release and in what order it wants to release them. Your practitioner will help to find these answers from your body during your session.
Most of the time you will find that you can identify and release about five to ten trapped emotions in a thirty minute session. This is typical, but sometimes you may find that your body will only allow you to release two or three emotions in a session, and that’s okay. Trust the wisdom of the body!
When you have released all your body can release in a session, usually you will lose the ability to be tested momentarily because your body is processing and is on a state of overload. When that happens, you are done for the time being, until the next session generally. This usually takes 1-2 days, but can take up to 4 or 5 days for some people. Again, your practitioner will help to find these answers from your body during your session.
Each person is different in their process, from how many emotions they can release in one session, to how they feel afterward. How many trapped emotions are involved in one issue you are having varies as well.
The whole process is completely customized to you!
See also HEART-WALL for subtle differences.
Releasing the burden of heavy emotional baggage and/or other misalignments + imbalances can occasionally cause initial symptoms of processing. So your nervous system and tissues may need to re-calibrate after clearing out all theses energetic distortions. This may cause you to feel tired or emotional, but this processing effect is only temporary, like pressing the reset button or rebooting your system.
Releasing the burden of heavy emotional baggage can occasionally cause initial symptoms of processing. So your nervous system and tissues may need to re-calibrate after clearing out all theses energetic distortions. This may cause you to feel tired or emotional, but this processing effect is only temporary, like pressing the reset button or rebooting your system.
Commonly, my clients report feeling lighter, freer, happier, more clarity, more joy, less pain or free of pain, less anxiety, less stressed out, more energetic, more excitement for life, improved health, and so on. Many symptoms of complaint often disappear altogether. This is simply because the body is now free of the burden this emotional baggage has placed on their system for so long.
Every person’s experience is unique, and often a series of sessions are necessary to truly free us from all the emotional baggage that we have accumulated over a lifetime.
Emotion Code Session Notes
My session notes will include details about the nature and severity of the released emotions, the age that they occurred, and how that trapped emotional energy was creating a disturbance. I will also test for a Heart-Wall during your session, and let you know if you have one and how big it is.
Body Code Session Notes
My session notes will include details about the nature and severity of the released underlying imbalances, the age that they occurred, and how that underlying imbalances was creating a disturbance. I will also test for a Heart Wall during your session, and let you know if you have one and how big it is.
Some emotional and physical conditions may require only one session. Commonly, however, your may require 5 or more sessions, depending on how many underlying imbalances are found. After a session, the body then needs to process what it has released + balanced. Your body knows how much it can safely release, balance and process at one time. This processing usually takes 1-2 days.
This determination is entirely personalized and is always optimized for your highest + best.
Emotion Code is only a very small part of the Body Code System. As the name suggests Emotion Code deals with emotional imbalances, which makes up about 80% of the imbalances we suffer from. To cover the rest or go deeper we move into Body Code which covers the complete spectrum of healing, uncovering the underlying causes for all of the imbalances we may be suffering from, and restore balance to the body.
The body and mind can become imbalanced in these 6 different key areas, resulting in all manner of problems for you. When you have balance in the 6 areas of the body, the result is that you have good health, abundant wealth and happy relationships. The Body Code helps you address and correct imbalances in all 6 areas. It has been designed to prepare and empower you.
Any issue you can possibly have has underlying imbalances. Removing these imbalances makes it possible for the body to return to a state of perfect harmony and health. The result is a disappearance of pain, fatigue, disease, depression and all manner of other symptoms!
The Body Code deals with balancing the body in all aspects of health – including emotional, energetic, nutritional, structural, infections and toxicity. The Body Code is the most sophisticated and complete method of body balancing that has ever been devised – anything that is wrong in the body is able to be identified and corrected. The technique is not meant to replace any medical treatment, but by correcting any underlying imbalances, we help the body’s innate self-healing ability to take over.
As a result, pain and malfunction in the body often disappear, all the organs function as they should, nutrients are absorbed properly, energy levels are raised, and emotional issues become manageable or nonexistent.
All packages can be made to fit your specific needs and goals. Whether your goal is weight loss, overall health, depression, relieve sadness, balance mood swings, higher self-esteem, new hope for happiness, feel more calm + relaxed, or any other physical or psychological issue.
Please feel free to schedule a 15 minute free clarity chat to discuss your best solution.
Once you agree to the terms of working together, you will be guided to purchase your session or package. You will then be guided to schedule your first session. You will also receive reminders of the session automatically. To save time, it is encouraged that you email me the nature and severity of your issues and or goals and a photograph of yourself. You do not have to reveal any information you would prefer to keep private, and any specific information you share will be confidential and only used to benefit you during your session.
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